how to replace porch posts with cedar posts

How to Replace Porch Posts with Cedar Posts?: 4 Best Methods!

Looking to know how to replace porch posts with cedar posts? Check out our comprehensive guide that will take you through the process step by step. If you’re thinking of replacing your porch posts, you’re not alone. Over time, porch posts can become damaged or worn out, and they may need to be replaced.

If you’re looking for a sturdy, long-lasting replacement, cedar posts are an excellent choice. Cedar is a durable and weather-resistant wood that can withstand the elements and provide years of use. But how do you go about replacing your old porch posts with new cedar ones? In this guide, we’ll take you through the process.

How to replace porch posts with cedar posts?

Replacing your porch posts with cedar will guarantee you many more years of life to your porch. The steps below will show you how to accomplish your goal without much worry! Be sure to follow each step in an effort to get the best possible results.

Step 1: Removing the Old Porch Posts

Before you can install your new cedar porch posts, you’ll need to remove the old ones. Here’s how:

  1. First, use a pry bar to remove any trim or molding around the base of the porch post.
  2. Next, use a reciprocating saw to cut through any nails or screws holding the post in place.
  3. Once the post is free, use a hammer to gently pry it away from the porch.

Step 2: Measuring and Cutting Your Cedar Posts

Now that you’ve removed the old porch posts, it’s time to measure and cut your new cedar posts. Here’s how:

  1. Measure the height of the old porch posts to determine the length of your new cedar posts. Be sure to measure from the bottom of the porch to the top of the railing.
  2. Cut your cedar posts to size using a circular saw or miter saw. Be sure to wear protective gear, including eye and ear protection.
  3. Sand the cut ends of your cedar posts to remove any rough edges.

Step 3: Installing Your Cedar Posts

With your new cedar posts cut to size, it’s time to install them. Here’s how:

  1. Position your cedar post in place where the old post was removed.
  2. Use shims to ensure that the post is level and plumb. You may need to adjust the shims several times to get the post perfectly level.
  3. Once your post is level and plumb, use a drill to insert screws through the base of the post and into the porch.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each cedar post.

Step 4: Finishing Your Cedar Posts

With your new cedar posts installed, it’s time to give them a finishing touch. Here’s how:

  1. Sand the entire surface of your cedar posts to remove any rough spots or splinters.
  2. Apply a coat of wood sealer or stain to protect your cedar posts from the elements.
  3. Allow the sealer or stain to dry completely before using your porch.

What tools are needed to replace porch posts with cedar posts

What tools are needed to replace porch posts with cedar posts?

Replacing porch posts with cedar posts requires a few essential tools to make the job easier and safer. Before beginning, it’s important to gather the necessary tools to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Here are the tools you will need:

  1. Measuring tape: You will need to measure the length and width of the old porch post to ensure the new cedar post is the correct size.
  2. Circular saw or handsaw: To cut the new cedar post to the correct size and shape.
  3. Hammer: To remove the old porch post and to attach the new cedar post to the porch floor and roof.
  4. Level: To ensure the new cedar post is straight and level.
  5. Shims: To adjust the level of the new cedar post if needed.
  6. Drill: To make holes for screws or nails.
  7. Screws or nails: To attach the new cedar post to the porch floor and roof.

Having these tools on hand will make the process of replacing porch posts with cedar posts easier and more efficient.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when replacing porch posts with cedar posts?

Replacing porch posts with cedar posts can be a challenging job, and there are some common mistakes that people make. These mistakes can lead to safety issues and may require the replacement of the new cedar post. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when replacing porch posts with cedar posts:

  1. Not properly measuring the old porch post: If the new cedar post is not the correct size, it may not properly support the porch and could cause a safety hazard.
  2. Not securely attaching the new cedar post: If the new cedar post is not securely attached to the porch floor and roof, it could come loose and cause a safety hazard.
  3. Not leveling the new cedar post: If the new cedar post is not level, it could cause the porch to be unsteady and unsafe.
  4. Not properly sealing the new cedar post: If the new cedar post is not properly sealed, it could be susceptible to rot and decay, which could weaken the porch structure.
  5. Not properly removing the old porch post: If the old porch post is not properly removed, it could damage the porch structure, which could lead to safety issues.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that the process of replacing porch posts with cedar posts is successful and safe.

Can cedar posts be used to replace load-bearing porch posts?

Cedar posts are a popular choice for porch replacement due to their durability and resistance to rot and decay. However, it is important to consider whether cedar posts can be used to replace load-bearing porch posts.

Load-bearing porch posts are essential for supporting the weight of the porch roof and ensuring the safety of the structure. Here are some factors to consider when determining if cedar posts can be used to replace load-bearing porch posts:

  1. The weight capacity of the cedar post: Cedar posts come in different sizes and weight capacities. It is important to choose a cedar post that can support the weight of the porch roof and any additional weight that may be added in the future.
  2. The structural design of the porch: The design of the porch and the location of the load-bearing porch posts will determine whether cedar posts can be used as replacements.
  3. Local building codes: Local building codes may specify the type of material that can be used for load-bearing porch posts.

It is recommended to consult with a professional contractor or engineer to determine if cedar posts can be used to replace load-bearing porch posts.

What type of cedar posts are best for porch replacement?

Choosing the right type of cedar posts is important for porch replacement. Cedar posts come in different grades and sizes, and each grade has its own unique characteristics. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best type of cedar posts for porch replacement:

  1. Grade: Cedar posts are available in different grades, which determine the quality and durability of the wood. The higher the grade, the better the quality and durability. The most common grades of cedar posts are #1, #2, and #3.
  2. Size: Cedar posts come in different sizes, which will depend on the size and design of the porch. The size of the cedar post will also determine its weight capacity.
  3. Style: Cedar posts come in different styles, such as rough sawn or smooth sawn. The style of the cedar post will depend on the design of the porch and personal preference.
  4. Treatment: Cedar posts can be treated with preservatives to enhance their durability and resistance to decay.

It is recommended to choose a higher-grade cedar post for porch replacement to ensure durability and longevity. Additionally, it is important to properly maintain the cedar post to ensure its longevity and resistance to decay.

What is the cost to replace porch posts with cedar posts

What is the cost to replace porch posts with cedar posts?

The cost to replace porch posts with cedar posts will depend on various factors, such as the size and design of the porch, the number of posts that need to be replaced, and the cost of labor and materials in your area. Here are some factors that may affect the cost of replacing porch posts with cedar posts:

  1. Size and design of the porch: The size and design of the porch will determine the number of cedar posts that need to be replaced. A larger porch or a porch with a complex design may require more cedar posts, which will increase the cost.
  2. Type of cedar posts: The cost of cedar posts will depend on the grade, size, and style of the post. Higher-grade cedar posts will typically cost more than lower-grade cedar posts.
  3. Labor costs: The cost of labor will depend on the complexity of the job and the experience of the contractor. Some contractors may charge by the hour, while others may charge a flat rate for the entire project.
  4. Location: The cost of materials and labor may vary depending on your location and the availability of contractors in your area.

On average, the cost to replace porch posts with cedar posts can range from $500 to $1500, depending on the above factors. It is recommended to obtain quotes from multiple contractors and compare their rates and services to find the best value for your budget.


Q: Can I install cedar posts myself?
A: Yes, with the right tools and some basic DIY skills, you can easily install cedar posts yourself.

Q: How long do cedar posts last?
A: Cedar posts are known for their durability and can last for up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance.

Q: What kind of wood sealer or stain should I use on my cedar posts?
A: Look for a high-quality wood sealer or stain that is specifically formulated for use on cedar.

Final remarks on how to replace porch posts with cedar posts

Learning how to replace porch posts with cedar posts is a great way to give your porch a fresh, updated look. With the right tools and some basic DIY skills, you can easily complete this project in just a few hours. Remember to take the time to measure and cut your cedar posts accurately, and to ensure that they are level and plumb before securing them in place. With