About Us

RemodelPorch.com is a site dedicated to helping provide insightful information renovating and repairing your porch or deck. We are here to help homeowners gain a better understanding of their options and provide insight on how to remodel their DIY project.

Remodeling your home can be stressful, especially when you’re not sure where to start. RemodelPorch.com makes the process much easier by providing articles that explain each step of the process, so that homeowners can understand what will work best for them.

The idea came from my own experience as I was remodeling my own home this past summer. I found myself re-doing many things over and over again because I didn’t have a good understanding of the process or what results should look like after completing certain steps. This website was created because I wanted other home owners to benefit from my experience.

If you need to reach me, you can use the form below.