how to make outdoor decorations waterproof

How To Make Outdoor Decorations Waterproof? : 4 Super Easy Ways!

Find out how to make outdoor decorations waterproof with these simple tips and tricks. Outdoor decorations can add charm and personality to your home or garden. From string lights to statues, there are countless ways to make your outdoor space feel more welcoming and inviting.

However, the weather can often be unpredictable, and rain can ruin even the most carefully crafted decoration. In this guide, we’ll explore how to make outdoor decorations waterproof, so you can enjoy your outdoor space even on a rainy day.

How to make outdoor decorations waterproof?

When it comes to decorating your outdoor space, it’s important to consider how to make your decorations waterproof. Rain and moisture can easily damage outdoor decorations, leading to costly repairs or replacements. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to protect your outdoor decorations from the elements.

From choosing waterproof materials to using a waterproof sealant, covering your decorations, bringing them indoors, or storing them in waterproof containers, there are several steps you can take to ensure your outdoor decorations remain beautiful and intact, even on a rainy day. See these tips and tricks below.

Choose waterproof materials

The first step in making your outdoor decorations waterproof is to choose materials that can withstand moisture. Some materials are naturally more water-resistant than others, so consider using these materials for your outdoor decor:

Metal: Aluminum, stainless steel, and other metals are great choices for outdoor decorations because they are naturally waterproof and rust-resistant.

Stone: Granite, slate, and other natural stones are ideal for outdoor use because they are durable and water-resistant.

Plastic: Plastic decorations can be a good choice for outdoor use because they are lightweight, inexpensive, and often water-resistant.

Use waterproof sealant

Even if your decorations are made of waterproof materials, it’s still a good idea to use a waterproof sealant to provide an extra layer of protection. A waterproof sealant can help prevent water from seeping into the decoration and causing damage.

Silicone sealant: Silicone sealant is a popular choice for waterproofing outdoor decorations because it is flexible, durable, and long-lasting.

Polyurethane sealant: Polyurethane sealant is another good option for waterproofing outdoor decorations because it is resistant to weathering and UV light.

Cover your decorations

One of the easiest ways to protect your outdoor decorations from rain is to cover them. There are a few different options for covering your decorations:

Umbrellas: Umbrellas can be a simple and effective way to keep your outdoor decorations dry. You can either use a standard umbrella or a patio umbrella to cover larger decorations.

Tarps: Tarps are another option for covering your decorations. You can buy a tarp that is specifically designed for outdoor use, or use a standard tarp and secure it with bungee cords or rope.

Bring decorations indoors

If you know that rain is in the forecast, the easiest way to protect your outdoor decorations is to bring them indoors. This is especially important for delicate decorations that may be easily damaged by water.

Store decorations in waterproof containers

If you don’t have space to bring your decorations indoors, consider storing them in waterproof containers. This can help protect your decorations from moisture and prevent them from getting damaged.

Plastic storage containers: Plastic storage containers are a good choice for storing outdoor decorations because they are waterproof and affordable.

Metal storage containers: Metal storage containers are another option for storing outdoor decorations. They are durable and can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture.

Can you make paper decorations waterproof for outdoor use

Can you make paper decorations waterproof for outdoor use?

Paper decorations are a popular choice for festive occasions, but they are not naturally waterproof. Exposure to rain and moisture can easily damage paper decorations, causing them to lose their shape, color, and overall appeal. However, with the right techniques, it is possible to make paper decorations waterproof for outdoor use.

One of the easiest ways to waterproof paper decorations is to use a clear sealant or varnish. These products create a protective layer over the paper, making it resistant to water and moisture. To apply the sealant or varnish, simply brush it evenly over the paper decoration and let it dry completely.

Another option is to use a waterproof spray, which can be sprayed directly onto the paper decoration. It’s important to note that while these methods can make paper decorations waterproof, they may not be suitable for all types of paper or decorations. Always test the product on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire decoration.

How to protect outdoor flower decorations from rain and moisture?

Flower decorations can add a beautiful touch to your outdoor space, but they are vulnerable to damage from rain and moisture. Water can cause the flowers to wilt, lose their color, or even rot, making them unsightly and unappealing. Fortunately, there are several ways to protect outdoor flower decorations from rain and moisture.

One of the most effective ways to protect outdoor flower decorations is to use a waterproof spray. This spray creates a barrier over the flowers, preventing water from penetrating and damaging them. Simply spray the flowers evenly and let them dry completely before exposing them to rain or moisture.

Another option is to use a clear plastic cover over the flower decoration, such as a plastic dome or sheet. This cover will protect the flowers from direct exposure to rain and moisture. Additionally, you can bring the flower decoration indoors during heavy rain or storms, or move them to a covered area of your outdoor space. By taking these steps, you can ensure your outdoor flower decorations stay looking beautiful and vibrant, no matter the weather.

Can you make outdoor string lights waterproof?

Outdoor string lights are a great way to add ambiance and lighting to your outdoor space. However, they are exposed to the elements and can easily become damaged by water and moisture. While not all outdoor string lights are waterproof, there are ways to make them waterproof for outdoor use.

One of the easiest ways to make outdoor string lights waterproof is to use waterproof connectors. These connectors create a waterproof seal around the connection points of the string lights, preventing water from entering and damaging the electrical components.

Additionally, you can use silicone sealant to seal any gaps or openings in the string lights, further protecting them from water and moisture. It’s important to remember to always use outdoor-rated string lights and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use. By taking these steps, you can ensure your outdoor string lights stay safe and functional in any weather conditions.

What are the best waterproof paints for outdoor decorations

What are the best waterproof paints for outdoor decorations?

Outdoor decorations add personality and charm to your outdoor space, but they are exposed to the elements and can easily become damaged by water and moisture. To protect your outdoor decorations, it’s important to use waterproof paints that can withstand exposure to rain, humidity, and other outdoor conditions.

One of the best waterproof paints for outdoor decorations is acrylic paint. Acrylic paint is water-resistant and dries quickly, making it ideal for outdoor use. Additionally, it is available in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing you to customize your outdoor decorations to your liking. Another great option is epoxy paint, which creates a durable and waterproof finish that can withstand extreme weather conditions.

It’s important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for outdoor use and to prepare the surface of the decoration properly before applying the paint. By using the right waterproof paint, you can ensure your outdoor decorations stay looking vibrant and beautiful for years to come.


Q: Can I use regular sealant on my outdoor decorations?
A: It’s best to use a sealant that is specifically designed for outdoor use, as regular sealant may not be waterproof or weather-resistant.

Q: Can I waterproof fabric decorations?
A: Yes, you can waterproof fabric decorations using a waterproof spray or coating.

Q: What should I do if my decorations get wet?
A: If your decorations get wet, try to dry them off as soon as possible to prevent damage. You can use a towel or cloth to blot away excess moisture.

Final remarks on how to make outdoor decorations waterproof

Now you know how to make outdoor decorations waterproof, you may realize it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these simple tips and tricks, it can be easy and effective.

Don’t let rain ruin your outdoor porch space, take these steps to ensure your decorations stay looking beautiful all year round. So, go ahead and decorate your outdoor space without any worries of the weather ruining your decorations.